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Become a child's hero
Lunina vila

Become a child's hero

Lunina vila
Campaign Funding
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Project published:12/11/2023

Currently funded:€1,631.41

Used donations:€823.00

No. of donors:14

Last donation:12/11/2024 at 20:06

Thank you💚

Currently funded: €1,631.41
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About campaign
Luna's villa is an organization where we offer psychosocial and psychotherapeutic help to children and adults in need. We offer this help free of charge to children and adolescents who have survived abuse. WE ARE LISTENING. WE BELIEVE, WE HELP.

An increasing number of parents, social workers, educators in youth centers who work with children who have found themselves in various hardships turn to our organization every year. Abuse, parental separation, anxiety, behavioral deviations, depression, all forms of violence... It is in our power to help them overcome the hardships they find themselves in with our expertise.

With the "BECOME CHILDREN'S HERO" campaign, together with Truhoma, we want to make their everyday lives at least a little easier for families who have faced violence and are involved in treatment with us, by trying to collect funds for weekly psychotherapy meetings.
Many times, people who turn to us even in financial difficulties are unemployed, housed in a safe house or a youth center due to being taken from their family. We believe that together we can brighten the day of people who have not always had the easiest time in life and in this way show them that love can do things differently.

We are currently collecting funds for a 5-year-old girl, where both she and her mother were victims of physical and emotional violence, the mother also of economic violence. Read the story and help by donating to the psychotherapy sessions, which are crucial for the girl's further development.

With this project, Luna's villa begins cooperation with Truhoma, a platform founded by Ana Lukner Roljić, the founder of Ana's star. Just like Ana's star, Truhoma stands for 100% transparency, which it proves at every step. With its standards, such as 100% transparency, traceability, efficiency and sustainability, it creates changes in the field of charity that are so much needed today. They advocate 100% donation, which means that your donation is fully used for the purchase of the basket of health, which you can follow via the Donation Tracker from the beginning - i.e. payment, all the way to delivery. With this tool, Truhoma demonstrates 100% transparency and honesty in philanthropy, which we also want to be a part of.
Donate to a particular individual or family
Individualna prošnja
2 household members
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mama 5-letne deklice se je na Lunino vilo obrnila z namenom vključitve v obravnavo zaradi fizičnega in psihičnega nasilja nad mamo s strani očeta in tudi nad otrokom. Z mamo sta se zaradi ogroženost morali zavarovati in sta odšli v varno hišo. Deklica je bila priča zlorabi mame, ki ni znala postavljati meje partnerju in je doživljala veliko mero stresa že od prenatalnega razvoja. Vmes je deklica imela redne stike z očetom, a je pediatrinja posumila na spolno zlorabo in so stiki začasno prekinjeni. Deklica je začela razvijati določene simptomatike, pri katerih je mama potrebovala pomoč in podporo. V terapevtski proces smo sprva vključili mamo, saj je tudi ona imela veliko stisk in izzivov, s katerimi se je srečevala v zvezi z dogajanjem in sumom na spolno zlorabo. Mama je preživljala tudi ekonomsko nasilje in posledično bila brezposelna, kar pomeni, da si terapevtskih obravnav finančno ne zmore privoščiti, zato ji želimo priskočiti na pomoč in pomagati zbrati sredstva za obravnavo. Terapevtski cilji za deklico so podpreti predelavo dosedanjih obremenjujočih izkušenj, podpreti razvoj varne navezanosti z mamo in vzpostavitev ravnovesja za zdrav psiho-fizični razvoj deklice, da bo zmogla pogumno stopiti v življenje. Pred njo je še kar nekaj izzivov tudi v zvezi s sodno obravnavo, ki teče zaradi suma na spolno zlorabo, zato res potrebuje podporo. Verjamemo, da ji bomo lahko vse to nudili in bomo s skupnimi močmi dokazali, da ljubezen zmore drugače. <b>Prosimo za donacijo, s katero bomo lahko pomagali pri financiranju terapevtskih obravnav, ki jih deklica tako zelo potrebuje. Hvala 🙏❤️</b>


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